Tuesday 29 July 2014

A fun day training the youngsters to the show cages. These two are father and child.

I bred 27 youngsters this year - 13 clear or ticked and 4 green and 10 piebald. Here's a selection.

This youngster is the result of a pairing of a large buff yellow cock bird who has a fatally frilly chest and one of my best hens from 2012. I was recommended to pair these and thought I knew better but I was so wrong. This little bird may yet be a winner.

Saturday 5 July 2014

First show of 2014 - Loanhead CBS young bird show. We did well being the only Scots Fancies on show but it's a good exercise for two reasons.
1 it gives this year's youngsters experience of being exhibited
2 you get a judge's eye to look over your birds and rank them.

I think he got it right, the judge, but I think one of my greens is better and we still have some chicks in the nest - 3 - and three weaning one of which looks excellent.

The white chick who took second place, is the half sibling of Elizabeth by her late mother and the white cock bird I bought from Sandy Innes. It has its' mother's style.

This chick is Elizabeth's nephew by her brother and a young green hen, the offspring of my original pair. I like her.

And pride of place goes to No 31/14 - the offspring of my little white hen from 2013 who did well enough at shows last year and No 24/13, a half-brother of Elizabeth. That Windsor Street strain is doing me proud.