Monday 4 October 2021

 It's been a long time since I last updated this blog. Despite the pandemic, canary breeding kept going on quietly across the country but there were no exhibitions in 2020. 2021 looked to be doomed to a similar fate but fortunately circumstances and the vaccine finally permitted the UK National Exhibition to take place. I was unable to attend but with the help of a friend sent six birds in order to take part. 

A bird I bred in 2020 came up trumps winning Best Scots Fancy in Show and Second Best Old Variety in Show. This is my fourth win of Best Scots in Show at the National, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2021. I'm delighted. 

My Belgians took 1st and 4th places in one class and second in another and a further Scots won its class as well. All in all a great start to what is a very reduced show season this year. 

This is a film of him made last year.