Tuesday 5 April 2022

 I completed the 2021 show season at the North of England Gloster Club and OVCA North show held in Northumberland on 14 November. I won Best Scots Fancy, Best Old Variety and Second Best Old Variety with a Belgian. It was pretty much a clean sweep for me and I was very pleased. In the only two shows of my season, I won best in show twice. 

Below is the results sheet.

                                      My Giboso which won best Giboso photographed below

       This white Belgian, son of the World Champion, took Best Belgian and Second Best Old Variety



My winning Scots Fancy hen 


Unfortunately, the Scots Fancy Specialist Club's annual show which was to have taken place in January 2022, had to be cancelled due to the pandemic and avian flu concerns. We held a virtual show and I was delighted to win Best in Show with the same bird as won the National Exhibition last October. All in all, my birds are at the top of the ranking for the moment. 

This is the virtual show winner in action.