Saturday 7 June 2014

I have had less time to blog this year largely due to having all ten hens in breeding condition and letting them go for it. It's been a challenging season. I have lost three adult birds for no apparent reason; lost two chicks to mite; lost another chick to unknown causes but have 21 chicks in the weaning cages and 2 still in the nest. I've three hens left breeding - one on 4 eggs, another waiting to hatch her four eggs and one just laying. I will stop after that. Here are some pictures of the youngsters in their weaning cages.

This little bird and its sibling were badly attacked by their father. I had to move him out and let the hen rear them herself. I'd had three aggressive males this year - all young birds.

I like these two though there are better curves on some of the others but it's early yet to tell how they wil moult out.

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