Friday 25 November 2022

Show season 2022 ended for me at the Old Variety Canary Association's northern show hosted by North of England Gloster Club at Bomersund, Northumberland on Sunday 13 November 2022. This year there were 165 old and rare varieties exhibited so while winning the individual prizes of Best Scots and Best Belgian was great, the winning of Best and Second Best Old Variety was more impressive for me. I was also delighted that my Scots Fancy won the prestigious John Scott President's Award rosette for best bird in a direct competition with the Lizard canaries present. 

Each of my winning Scots this year has been a different bird. While this shows a great consistency across the bloodline, it also demonstrates how fortunate Gordon Alexander has been in twice winning the Name the Bird competition which is awarded to the bird which wins Best in Show at three shows in one season.

The Belgian in particular has had a great season. He is the son of my World Champion bird. Last year he was second best old variety at this show and he won Best Belgian against competition at each of the four shows we have attended in 2022 and was in the running for best white canary at the National Exhibition in Stafford. Although he didn't win that title, it was quite incredible for me that he made he short-list.

This show is a very friendly one and I stewarded to the judge, Kevin McCallum, OMJ this year as he was helping to train me for judging a show I had been invited to judge in Northern Ireland the following weekend. 

The NI show was the inaugural show of the Ulster Old & Rare Canary Club and it was a real honour to be invited to judge that event. Best in Show went to a great Raza canary exhibited by Peter Sherlock and Best Scots was exhibited by David Ramsey. Best Junior Scots was awarded to Emma-Lee Ramsey. It was a small show but there are now firm steps on which to build.

Monday 24 October 2022

The Scots Fancy Specialist Club Show took place on 22 October 2022. An entry of 64 saw 57 birds benched and they were ably judged by Norman Wallace of Gloster Fancy fame and now a breeder and exhibitor of Scots Fancies. The event was hosted within Grangemouth CBS and was the busiest show I have attended in a long time. 

Best Novice was awarded to Lauren Wight with her current year bred [CYB] Buff and the Best Novice trophy and the novice special rosettes for the Best Novice White and Buff.  Lauren also won a new style STA show cage gifted by member Sandy Devidge.

The Club has, this year, introduced the awards of Second and Third Best in Show in an effort to address the longstanding issue of "winner takes it all" with just a Best in Show winner. This worked at Carlisle but not at the Club Show where Best in Show, 2nd Best and 3rd Best were all awarded to me with my CYB Buff hen, CYB Buff Piebald and Flighted Buff cock. I also won the trophies for Best Champion, Best in Show, Best Cinnamon, Best CYB Yellow, Best Piebald and Most Points.

Gordon Alexander took the trophy for Best CYB White while the remaining champion colour specials were awarded to me. 

My Belgians were entered in the Any Other Variety classes of the Grangemouth CBS show and one won Best Any Other Variety and his son won his class, both against competition. 

Saturday 15 October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022 saw the first specialist show of the UK Scots Fancy show season. This was the Scots Fancy Specialist Club's [SFSC's] southern show held in association with the Northern Gloster Fancy Canary Club at Rockcliffe, Carlisle. It's a lovely venue and a very nice show which is held to enable the southern members of the SFSC to exhibit at a club show without having to travel to Scotland. Disappointingly, not one of the southern members took part. All the exhibitors were from Scotland. The Club will need to consider whether it keeps hosting this show if the members have no interest in taking part.

Best in Show and Best Old Variety was won by Gordon Alexander's cinnamon and Second Best in Show was novice Lauren Wight's Buff and Third Best in Show was my Buff hen. 

There were 45 Scots exhibited and 7 North Dutch Frills and 10 Belgians, the latter two varieties included in the show by the addition of classes for old varieties, in which one exhibitor was from south of the Border. Best Frill was awarded to Sandy Innes and that bird was also awarded 3rd Best Old Variety. My Belgian was Best Belgian and 2nd Best Old Variety in show.

The colour specials were awarded as follows:-

Best Champion Cinnamon - Gordon Alexander

Best Novice White - Lauren Wight

Best Champion Yellow, Buff and White - Donald Skinner-Reid 

Thursday 6 October 2022

 After a successful - in parts - breeding season 2022, the show season began with the major show of the year - The National Exhibition held at Stafford on 2 October 2022. This year I entered only 16 birds and while the overall number of birds exhibited was clearly up from 2021, it remained down from 2019. 

There were only 19 Scots Fancies exhibited by three exhibitors but as a proportion of the Old Varieties Show within the National, the figures held up. 

I was delighted to win Best Scots Fancy in Show and Best Belgian Fancy while my Giboso took second place in his class. More impressively, the Belgian, a son of my World Champion bird, was in the run-off for Best White Canary in Show which he didn't win but to be in the running was a great honour.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

 I completed the 2021 show season at the North of England Gloster Club and OVCA North show held in Northumberland on 14 November. I won Best Scots Fancy, Best Old Variety and Second Best Old Variety with a Belgian. It was pretty much a clean sweep for me and I was very pleased. In the only two shows of my season, I won best in show twice. 

Below is the results sheet.

                                      My Giboso which won best Giboso photographed below

       This white Belgian, son of the World Champion, took Best Belgian and Second Best Old Variety



My winning Scots Fancy hen 


Unfortunately, the Scots Fancy Specialist Club's annual show which was to have taken place in January 2022, had to be cancelled due to the pandemic and avian flu concerns. We held a virtual show and I was delighted to win Best in Show with the same bird as won the National Exhibition last October. All in all, my birds are at the top of the ranking for the moment. 

This is the virtual show winner in action.