Sunday 29 October 2017

Scots Fancy Specialist Club annual show was held yesterday hosted by Grangemouth CBS. The worthy winner of Best in Show was Gordon Alexander with a small buff clear hen, fathered by my stock.

My own birds did well. I was pipped at the post for Best Scots but took eight first places in the classes, as well as Best Piebald with a great-grandson of my big winning 2012 - 2105 hen, Best Current Year Bred Yellow with the son of last year's Club show Best who himself took Best Adult and the points trophy. Below are pictures of the winning piebald and his unbeaten great-grandmother.

Meanwhile, my Belgian took Best Belgian, awarded by the Old Varieities Canary Association and Best Any Other Variety Cock and Mt Giboso Espanol took Best Any Other Variety Hen.

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