Wednesday 4 October 2023

 After a successful breeding season, it's show season again! The years go by faster and faster. 

On the weekend of 30 September and 1 October, the National Exhibition at Stafford was held. I was lucky to win Best Scots Fancy in Show, along with Best Champion and Best Current Year Bred Bird. In the Old Variety section I also won Best Belgian. 

The Best Scots title I have now won six times and the Best Belgian title twice. 

This coming weekend sees the return of a long lost show, Scotland's National Bird Show. We hope the event is a great success. I'll add more after the event.

The photo above is me with my Best Scots winner - ring number 69/23.

The photo above is my Best Belgian - ring number 32/22 - son of the World Champion.

The rosette for 69/23 as Best Current Year Bred Bird.

Russell Sykes who won Best Novice Belgian with birds from my stock.

Matthew Atkinson who won Best Novice Scots.

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